Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Agency Contact
Additional Contact
1: Important Agency Information to Note
- Home Page web link https://www.okhighered.org/
Statutes and Regulations Page web link
- Authorization Information Page web link https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/
- Application Information Page web link no link provided
- Renewal Information Page web link no link provided
Indicate the types of institutions that your agency authorizes.
- Note: Some agencies may refer to out-of-state public institutions as “private colleges” in their law. If this is the case for your agency, please select “public, out-of-state degree granting institutions” for purposes of this Guide so that the out-of-state public institution will find appropriate information.
- Note: If your agency is a coordinating board, your agency may have one division with some authority such as program approval over in-state public institutions that are established per statute, which is structured differently than another division of your agency with state authorization authority over non-public institutions that they “license” pursuant to different statute(s).
__X__ Public, in-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
_____ Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
_____ Non-degree, for-profit institutions
__X__ Religious institutions – degree-granting, unless they are exempt as per Clarifying Comments under Topic 3.
_____ Tribally-controlled institutions
_____ Federal Institutions
_____ Municipal institutions
- For example, an agency may require an institution apply for licensure for institutional approval and also require the institution to apply for specific program(s) approval.
__X__ Institution
_____ Program
_____ Both
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2: Authorization of Distance Education
- Meaning as example, the state regulates an out-of-state institution for merely enrolling a student into a distance education program
- Meaning as example, a solely online program that does not have any internships and practicums
Yes. See “Out of State Institutions Offering Distance Education in Oklahoma” here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/
Certain activities conducted in Oklahoma by out-of-state institutions do not require authorization. See “Military Installations,” “Supervised Field Experiences,” and “Activities that do not Require Authorization” here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
3: Accreditation by an Accrediting Agency Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education
Accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for:
__X__ Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
_____ Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
_____ Non-degree, for-profit institutions
_____ Religious institutions - degree granting
_____ Tribally-controlled institutions
_____ Federal Institutions
_____ Municipal institutions
State statute requires institutional accreditation by a USDE-recognized institutional accreditor for all institutions operating as a degree-granting institution in the state. This includes, but is not limited to, out-of-state institutions offering courses for college credit through dual/concurrent enrollment and placing students supervised field experiences that are required for students to complete their degree program. Unaccredited institutions may not conduct any degree-related instruction or activity in the state. Candidacy status does not fulfill this requirement. There is no procedure by which an unaccredited institution may offer degree programs or degree-related instruction in Oklahoma while earning accreditation.
In 2024, Oklahoma HB 4050 amended 70 O.S. § 4104 to exempt purely religious institutions and degrees from accreditation and authorization requirements. See: “Religious Degree-Granting Institutions here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
For accreditation requirements for non-degree institutions, see the Oklahoma Board for Private Vocational Schools.
4: Physical Presence Policy
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No response provided
Does a virtual clinical / internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?
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No response provided
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No response provided
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No response provided
5: Application Process
Institutions must complete and submit an authorization application to the OSRHE with the required authorization fee, then, if approved by the State Regents, pay the required authorization fees and, if appropriate, the student tuition recovery fund payment.
To request more information on authorization of degree-granting institution or an application packet, contact Ms. Elizabeth Walker, ok.stateauth@osrhe.edu.
6: Fees Associated with Authorization
See “Fees and Student Tuition Recovery Fund Payments” here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
See “Fees and Student Tuition Recovery Fund Payments” here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
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7: Surety Bonds
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8: Student Tuition Recovery Fund
Private, non-exempt institutions authorized to offer degrees in Oklahoma.
See “Fees and Student Tuition Recovery Fund Payments” here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
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9: Tuition Refund Policy
All authorized institutions are required to have a tuition refund policy detailed in the student catalogue.
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The OSRHE does not currently have a tuition refund policy of its own that all authorized institutions must follow, but requires authorized institutions to have a tuition refund policy.
10: Reporting
Institutions must report programs offered, in-state enrollment, and supervised field experience placement information annually, in addition to reporting requirements found under OSRHE policy 3.1. Institutional Accreditation and State Authorization, section 3.1.3, M, Reporting Requirements https://okhighered.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/policy-3-1-state-authorization.pdf.
Additionally, private institutions will be required to report Oklahoma tuition income for purposes of calculating payments into the student tuition recovery fund. See “Fees and Student Tuition Recovery Fund Payments” here: https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
Enrollment and program offerings are shared publicly.
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This information is presented to the OSRHE at a public meeting and the presentation item is publicly available on the OSRHE website.
11: Enforcement
The authorization to operate as a degree granting institution may be denied, revoked, or non-renewed when a private institution or out-of-state public institution fails to meet or comply with any portion of OSRHE policy 3.1. Institutional Accreditation and State Authorization, section 3.1.3, Private Institutions and Out-of-State Public Institutions.
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12: Student Complaints - Non-SARA Participating Institutions
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Dependent on the governing or coordinating agency or board that governs the institution, and the type of complaint. See: https://okhighered.org/current-college-students/complaints/.
OSRHE contact for non-SARA related complaints:
Contact Name: Ms. Lindsay Echols
Title: Executive Director for Campus Compact and Director of Student Affairs and Diversity
Agency: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Address: 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Email: lechols@osrhe.edu
Phone: 405-225-9128
URL: https://www.okhighered.org/current-college-students/complaints.shtml
Complainants must complete and submit the student complaint form available here: https://okhighered.org/current-college-students/complaints/ before their complaint will be reviewed.
13: Records Retention
The state currently has no such process for degree-granting institutions. When this changes, authorized institutions will be notified.
For the process for non-degree granting institutions, see the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools.
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14: Additional Information
See https://okhighered.org/state-system/state-authorization/.
Ms. Elizabeth Walker
Coordinator for Academic Administration
No response provided
Please note: There could be additional state agencies with oversight of activities of your institution.