Responses Last Confirmed:

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

Agency Contact

Julie M. Woodruff

Additional Contact

Secretary of State Contact

Tre Hargett: Business Filings and Information
(615) 741-2286

1: Important Agency Information to Note

Provide important web links:

An “Authorization Needed” flowchart is available at State Authorization Flowchart 06_2024.pdf, and an “Authorization Type” comparison chart is available at Options for State Authorization 08_2024.pdf.

What types of institutions are subject to this agency’s authority?

Indicate the types of institutions that your agency authorizes. 

  • Note: Some agencies may refer to out-of-state public institutions as “private colleges” in their law.  If this is the case for your agency, please select “public, out-of-state degree granting institutions” for purposes of this Guide so that the out-of-state public institution will find appropriate information.
  • Note: If your agency is a coordinating board, your agency may have one division with some authority such as program approval over in-state public institutions that are established per statute, which is structured differently than another division of your agency with state authorization authority over non-public institutions that they “license” pursuant to different statute(s).

_____ Public, in-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions (There is an exemption applicable to some – see Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2004(a)(6))
__X__ Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
__X__ Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
__X__ Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
__X__ Non-degree, for-profit institutions
__X__ Religious institutions (There is an exemption that is applicable to eleemosynary institutions – see Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2004(a)(4))
__X__ Tribally-controlled institutions (See Comment)
__X__ Federal Institutions (See Comment)
_____ Municipal institutions

Does your agency authorize specific academic programs offered by institutions, only institutions themselves, or both?
  • For example, an agency may require an institution apply for licensure for institutional approval and also require the institution to apply for specific program(s) approval.

_____ Institution 

_____ Program 

__X__ Both

Clarifying comments:

Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions and private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions may be exempt pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2004(a)(6). Some religious institutions may be exempt pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2004(a)(4). THEC has not addressed authorization of tribally–controlled or federal institutions.

Institutions seeking regular authorization must apply for institution authorization and program registration. Institutions seeking optional expedited authorization (OEA) only apply for institution authorization. THEC maintains an inventory of OEA programs and requires proof of subject matter expert agency approval, where applicable, but does not approve OEA programs.


2: Authorization of Distance Education

Does your agency require exclusively online offerings offered by out-of-state institutions to be authorized?
  • Meaning as example, the state regulates an out-of-state institution for merely enrolling a student into a distance education program
  • Meaning as example, a solely online program that does not have any internships and practicums

No, physical presence is always considered.

Clarifying comments:

Physical presence is always considered. See Rules 1540-01-02-.03(40) and .04 and Distance Education Authorization Requirements.


3: Accreditation by an Accrediting Agency Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education

Is accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for an institution to be authorized in your state?

Optional expedited authorization is available only to accredited institutions. Regular authorization is available to unaccredited and accredited institutions.

If yes, please check all that apply as appropriate.

No response provided

Accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for: 
____ Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions
____ Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
____ Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
____ Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
____ Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
____ Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
____ Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
____ Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
____ Non-degree, for-profit institutions
____ Religious institutions
____ Tribally-controlled institutions
____ Federal Institutions
____ Municipal institutions

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


4: Physical Presence Policy

If your agency uses a physical presence standard, how does your agency define physical presence? Include sample triggers.

“Physical presence” means presence within the state of Tennessee for the purpose of conducting activity related to a postsecondary educational institution as given in T.C.A. § 49-7-2007. Physical presence as further outlined for purposes of authorization shall include but not be limited to: (a) Operating a location within the state; (b) Offering instruction within or originating from Tennessee designed to impart knowledge with response utilizing teachers, trainers, counselors or computer resources, computer linking, or any form of electronic means; (c) Granting an educational credential from a location within the state; (d) Using an agent, recruiter, institution, or business that solicits for enrollment or credits or for the award of an educational credential; or (e) Advertising, disseminating promotional material or conducting public solicitation in any form that targets Tennessee residents or uses local advertising markets in the state for institutions seeking, holding, or required to be authorized by the Commission. Physical presence does not include field trips, sanctioned sports recruiting activities, or college fairs or other assemblies of institutions in Tennessee. As to college fairs or assemblies, an institution may not enroll an individual, allow an individual to sign any agreement obligating the person to the institution, accept any moneys from the individual, or follow-up with an individual by means of an in-person meeting in Tennessee.

Web link for physical presence definition.
Does a clinical/internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

The answer depends on the structure of the clinical/internship. See Distance Education Authorization Requirements.

Does a virtual clinical / internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency? 

This question involves too many variables. Contact for additional information.

Does a faculty member residing in your state and teaching an online course trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

If the instructor leads a distance education course from their residence in Tennessee, then authorization is not required. However, an institution may create a physical presence if it maintains a non-residential location in Tennessee from which instruction occurs, for example, the institution maintains office space for instructors.

Does advertising targeted to residents of your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

Yes, see the definition quoted above under Section 4a.

Does having an administrative site in your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

Yes, see the definition quoted above under Section 4a.

Does having a recruiter in your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

Yes, see the definition quoted above under Section 4a.

Clarifying comments:

Rule 1540-01-02-.03(29) defines “field trip” as a congregation of students and instructors at a location in Tennessee for instruction in the subject of enrollment for not more than three (3) calendar days. Such field trips may not occur more than three (3) times a year in the same program.


5: Application Process

Please provide a short description of the application process to obtain state authorization.

To begin the authorization process, you must either attend the Initial Authorization Application Training; complete an Initial Authorization Application and any related applications, such as Program Registration Requests, or an Application for Optional Expedited Authorization; pay all required fees; secure the required bonds; receive a successful site visit report, if required; and meet all minimum standards. Institutions seeking regular authorization must also complete online training after Commission approval.

Web link for application.
Clarifying comments:

No response provided


6: Fees Associated with Authorization

Is there an application fee associated with the authorization process?


If yes, what is the fee or fee schedule?

For regular authorization there is a $3000 initial authorization application fee and $500 per program registration request. Additional fee schedule information is available at Rule 1540-01-02-.25.

For Optional Expedited Authorization there is an annual $9000 application fee.

Web link for fee information.

For regular authorization see Rule 1540-01-02-.25.

For Optional Expedited Authorization see Rule 1540-01-10-.09.

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


7: Surety Bonds

Does your agency require a Surety Bond for authorized out-of-state institutions?


Clarifying comments:

See Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2013 for specific bond requirements. 


8: Student Tuition Recovery Fund

Does your agency have a Student Tuition Recovery Fund (or similar fund for higher education institution closure)?

Yes, Tennessee has a tuition guarantee fund (TGF). See Tenn. Code Ann. § See 49-7-2018. Fund monies are available to students who reside in Tennessee or attend an authorized location with a Tennessee address when those students are enrolled at an institution that closes without fulling educational obligation to students.

If yes, for what types of institutions?

The TGF applies to all institutions authorized through the Tennessee Higher Education Authorization Act of 2016 (Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2001, et seq.).

Web link for student tuition recovery fund.

There is no specific link. However, when an institution closes and it is believed that students may have TGF claims, information is posted under Institution Closure Information.

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


9: Tuition Refund Policy

Does your agency have a Tuition Refund Policy Requirement?

Yes, Tennessee has a default refund policy for institutions that have regular authorization. See Rule 1540-01-02-.17. There is no default refund policy for institutions with optional expedited authorization.

If yes, for what types of institutions?

Accredited and unaccredited institutions that offer credentials from certificates to doctoral degrees are eligible to apply for regular authorization. Only accredited institutions are eligible for optional expedited authorization.

Web link for tuition refund policy.
Clarifying comments:

No response provided


10: Reporting

What kinds of information or data must an institution report to your agency as a condition for continued institutional state authorization?

All authorized institutions shall provide student-level statistical data on a THEC data form that will allow THEC to calculate the following statistical information by institution and program: (a) enrollment count; (b) demographic statistics; (c) withdrawal rates; (d) completion rates; (e) number of credentials awarded; (f) categories of credentials awarded; (g) placement rates; (h) in-field placement rates; and (i) average time to completion. See Rule 1540-01-02-.18 and Rule 1540-01-10-.01.

Data shall include all students enrolled at the institution between the twelve (12) months beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the year prior to the report.

How frequently do institutions report data?

Yearly on October 15 or the next business day if October 15 falls on a state holiday or weekend.

Is this information shared publicly?

THEC publishes the results of its calculations on its website except that withdrawal, completion, placement, and in-field placement rates are not reported for programs with ten (10) or fewer students. Authorized Institutions and Data.

Web link for reporting.

Institutions submit data by uploading an Excel spreadsheet to a secure web portal. Thus, there is no specific link. Final reports can be found at Authorized Institutions and Data.

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


11: Enforcement

What are possible consequences of institutional non-compliance?

Generally, THEC can assess fines, change authorization to conditional, or revoke authorization. See Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 49-7-20102017, and 2022(i) and Rule 1540-01-02-.22 and Rule 1540-01-10-.06.

Web link for enforcement information.

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


12: Student Complaints - Non-SARA Participating Institutions

Please describe the process for handling complaints about non-SARA out-of-state postsecondary institutions or programs? (34 CFR 600.9(a))

THEC accepts complaints from anyone against regularly authorized institutions. THEC accepts only student complaints against optionally expedited authorized institutions. All student complaints must exhaust the grievance process at the institution level. Any investigation and settlement discussions will continue in accordance with Rule 1540-01-02-.19(8) or Rule 1540-01-10-.07.

Web link for the non-SARA complaint form.

Go to Request for Complaint Review to learn more about THEC’s complaint jurisdiction and to find the link for submitting a Request for Complaint Review.

How does your agency handle a non-SARA complaint from a resident of its state that is against an out-of-state institution that the agency does not authorize?

If an institution seeks authorization and THEC staff is aware of an outstanding complaint against the institution, then the institution must resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of Commission staff before an initial application will be reviewed.

Is the non-SARA process handled all within your agency or do you divide consumer protection and student complaint duties dependent on the type of institution (Public, Private, Technical, etc.)?

THEC’s Office of General Counsel is responsible for the entire process.

Who is the contact person or entity for your state for receiving non-SARA student complaints?

Contact Name: Julie M. Woodruff

Title:  Senior Compliance Counsel

Contact Name: Ryan Arrington

Title:  Regulatory Compliance Attorney

Agency: Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Office of General Counsel

Address: 312 Rosa Parks Ave., 9th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243



URL: Request for Complaint Review

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


13: Records Retention

When a higher education institution closes, what is the process your state uses to ensure that transcripts/records are kept available?

Tennessee requires institutions to retain transcripts/certificates for the life of the institution. When an institution closes, THEC requests all transcripts/certificates since the original authorization date and maintains transcript/certificates in a database managed by THEC. Note that a new owner is responsible for the transcripts/certificates of the purchased institution.

From what agency or entity do students request their transcripts/records from a closed higher education institution?
  • Agency Name: Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC)
  • Contact Person:
  • Contact Phone: (615) 741-5293
  • Contact Address:
  • Contact Email:
  • Contact web site: Academic Transcripts and Certificates
Clarifying comments:

No response provided


14: Additional Information

Is there anything else about the state authorization process in your state that institutions and others ought to know about?

Important dates are available at Commission Meetings (Commission Meetings). Training dates are available at Application Due Dates, Deadlines, and Meeting Dates (Application, Deadlines, and Meeting Dates).

What is your preferred method of communication?

No response provided


Please note: There could be additional state agencies with oversight of activities of your institution.